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2016-2017. Advert Game Proposal.
Faecal Based Battleships social game with UI designed around the theme including for MTX and adverts.
Faecal Based Battleships social game with UI designed around the theme including for MTX and adverts.

Attack of the Drop Bear (Project Australis)
2018-2019. Charity Based Mobile/Console/PC Side-Scroller.
Side-Scroller that juxtaposed the perceived dangers of living in Australia with the real ones.
Side-Scroller that juxtaposed the perceived dangers of living in Australia with the real ones.

2020. University Project.
Hack 'N Slash game with UI designed to look like 90's computer GUIs.
Hack 'N Slash game with UI designed to look like 90's computer GUIs.

Codename: Pariah
2021. University Capstone Project.
A Fast Paced FPS where players possess enemies for use of their weapons, health and ammo.
A Fast Paced FPS where players possess enemies for use of their weapons, health and ammo.

2020-2022. University Project, then continued as Personal Project.
A Multiplayer FPS with a single-player RPG HUB World with traders, inventories and fast travel.
A Multiplayer FPS with a single-player RPG HUB World with traders, inventories and fast travel.

2018-2019. Personal Project.
A FPS using only grenades with both level based progression and unlockable grenade trees.
A FPS using only grenades with both level based progression and unlockable grenade trees.

Siege Royale
2021-2022. University Porject, then continued as personal Project.
Medieval FPP Battle Royale.
Medieval FPP Battle Royale.

Modern Combatant
2020-2022. University Project x2, then continued as Personal project.
Modern FPS using percussion cap weaponry with loadout and gunsmithing systems.
Modern FPS using percussion cap weaponry with loadout and gunsmithing systems.

Star Wars Battlefront III (Fan Mock Up)
2019. Fan Mock Up.
Fan Designs for a new Progression system for a hypothetical SWBF III.
Fan Designs for a new Progression system for a hypothetical SWBF III.

Interactive Arsenal
2022-Present. Subscription Based Website Design Mock Up.
An interactive firearms database and reference website for VFX and Game Artists that can also be used by Firearm Enthusiasts.
An interactive firearms database and reference website for VFX and Game Artists that can also be used by Firearm Enthusiasts.

Star Wars: Galaxy at War
2016-2023. Long Term/Periodic Fan/Passion Project.
A Star Wars RTS game focusing on planetary capture and resource management.
A Star Wars RTS game focusing on planetary capture and resource management.

Cannibal Fever (2014)
2013-2015. Unsuccessful Kickstarter Project.
A zombie based Real Time Strategy Game with UI designed to look like various news outlets.
A zombie based Real Time Strategy Game with UI designed to look like various news outlets.
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